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Thank You Hospitals!

Thank You Douglas County Hospitals!

Here in Northwest Douglas County, we are lucky to have several area hospitals that have supported us throughout the pandemic. From the beginning, these community health providers sprang into action, providing robust, lifesaving treatments to countless patients. They also administered vaccines to further prevent the spread of COVID-19 all while completing routine procedures and emergency care. It’s truly remarkable.

And while we may be through the worst of the pandemic, we are still in the process of fully recovering from its economic consequences. Few probably realize that just as we relied on our hospitals to get us through the pandemic, we will rely on them to help us revitalize our economy.

The hospitals in Douglas County actually provide critical economic value to our community. Hospitals like HealthONE’s Sky Ridge Medical Center pay millions of dollars in taxes along with other local charitable contributions. Our local hospitals also employ thousands of our residents. In fact, Sky Ridge alone employs 1,300 people, from janitorial staff to hospital administrators. And these are good-paying jobs with benefits, helping to bolster our economic growth.

Our hospitals are not just fighting public health concerns and seeking to make our communities healthier, they are also an economic institution of Douglas County, and they deserve our thanks and our support.


Erin Jones, Board Chair of Northwest Douglas County Chamber & EDC