Safer-at-Home Order
Governor Polis announced Safer-at-Home beginning April 27
What Does Safer-At-Home Mean?
The goal of this phase is to maintain 60-65% physical distancing.
● Critical businesses will remain open with strict precautions (social distancing, masks for
all employees, more frequent cleanings, etc.)
● Retail businesses may open for curbside delivery and phased-in public opening with
strict precautions.
● Elective medical and dental procedures begin, with strict precautions to ensure adequate
personal protective equipment and the ability to meet critical care needs.
● Personal services (salons, dog grooming, limited personal training, etc.) will open with
strict precautions. (starting May 1st)
● Telecommuting continues for offices. Starting on May 4, up to 50% of staff can work in
person (with social distancing in place).
● Nightclubs, gyms and spas will remain closed.
● No group gatherings of more than 10 people.
● K-12 schools remain online only for the 2019-2020 school year.
● Vulnerable populations and older adults must stay home unless absolutely necessary